How Starting a Podcast Grew My Business

I’ve posted before on my original feelings about podcasts. If you’ve not read some of my older posts, let me go ahead and bring you up to speed. I thought podcasts were a little dumb, a waste of time, and added no value to my life.

I was completely wrong.

Starting a Podcast

In December of 2020, we were thinking of ways to grow our digital footprint as well as connect with our community and potential prospects. My business partner, Brittany Brown, and I had lots of ideas, eventually settling on a podcast. I’d never listened to a podcast and only knew what they were because they are on my phone and mentioned all over the place. This didn’t stop us from diving head first into the world of recording and producing a podcast. Fortunately, Brittany was much more experienced with podcasting and I had someone to hold my hand. This meant I could focus on marketing the podcast and she could focus on production.

Growing a Podcast

Even the best ideas grow and evolve. The original concept for our podcast was to talk business over cocktails. That’s why it was titled, Digitiv Dirty Marketers.

A few months into our first season, we decided to produce special episodes featuring other business owners and entrepreneurs. This changed everything.

We realized the podcast, especially the interviews, drove great amounts of traffic to our website. We also started to feel our show name and podcast cover didn’t reflect our overall image. So, just like we had rebranded our website in the Summer of 2021, we did the same for our podcast.

We started with a new title. It was simple and clear: Digitiv. The Podcast. Our podcast covers also changed to be uniform and match our overall branding, meaning it was more cohesive with the company and all of our marketing collateral. Frankly, the new look and feel was just better.

Business Growth From a Podcast

Everything I’ve shared is leading to this point. If you own a business, you are always looking for new leads and sales opportunities. It’s a never-ending painful process.

When we launched our entrepreneur series of interviews, it pushed our team out of our comfort zone and out into the community. We were contacting people, not to sell them anything, but to learn about them. Suddenly we were building relationships with community members, businesses and people we likely never would have met if we had not started our podcast.

As we’ve released interviews, we are noticing our former guests are returning to us, asking if we can help them build a new website, create a logo, define a marketing strategy, and even help them launch their own podcast. It was the creation of our podcast that put us in touch with these people, helped us build connections, and eventually blossomed into unplanned sales opportunities.

Podcasts have more value than you may think. I know they have a lot more value than I previously thought. If you’d like help launching your own podcast, click here to get started.

Free Podcast Itemized Budget

Did you attend our recent workshop ‘Grants for Podcasts Made Easy’ hosted by Ti King? This is the worksheet referenced in the webinar and available for download!