Personalizing the URL of your PodOps Podcast Website will make it even easier to share and promote your podcast.
To navigate to where you can personalize the URL; Click on Podcast in the left navigation, click Manage on your podcast, and lastly click Website in the left navigation.
You’ll see a system-generated URL, click Change Website URL to open the URL Search Field.
In the Search Your URL field, enter the desired name. For example, we searched PoDrops, to update the URL of our podcast.
Note: The root of the domain will remain, you do not need to type this into the search box.
Click the Update URL button. This will search to see if your requested URL is available. If it is, the page will save and refresh.
If it’s not available, you’ll see the message, Sorry this URL is already taken. Never fear, you can search until you find an available domain!