Navigating the Dashboard

Your Studio journey begins with the Dashboard. Here are the 9 key actions available to you:

  1. Navigation: From here you can access all components of Studio. The navigation is persistent throughout the site.
  2. Collapse: Need more space to work? Collapse the left navigation, and expand it when needed.
  3. Profile: Access your profile to update your plan, view invoices, and change payment methods. Fun fact: If you are a PodOps Hosting user, your profiles are synced and login credentials are the same for Hosting and Studio.
  4. Total Downloads (Only visible if you have a PodOps Hosting Plan): Displays a summary of your podcast downloads to date.
  5. Total Plays (Only visible if you have a PodOps Hosting Plan): Displays a summary of your podcast plays to date.
  6. Total Episodes (Only visible if you have a PodOps Hosting Plan): Displays a count of your podcast episodes to date.
  7. Upcoming Sessions: Displays a list of your scheduled recording sessions. Here you can use the red trash icon to delete a session from your schedule.
  8. Upcoming Sessions: Displays a list of your scheduled recording sessions. You can scroll to see all upcoming sessions if there are more than can be fit in the visible area.
  9. Meet Now: Click the ‘Meet Now’ button to launch the Studio Creator and begin recording or live streaming now!