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Navigating the Creator

< 1 min read

The Studio Creator is where you go to live stream and record content. Here are the 7 key actions available to you:

  1. Upcoming/Past/All Sessions: View your scheduled, past, and upcoming recording sessions.
  2. Meet Now: Click the ‘Meet Now’ button to launch the Studio Creator and begin recording or live streaming now!
  3. Schedule a Session: Create a recording session to take place at a future date and time (based on your local timezone)
  4. Session Actions: Start a session, make changes before starting, or delete a session.
  5. Calendar: Use the calendar to plan out your recording sessions.
  6. Download File: Download a previously uploaded file to your local device.
  7. Upcoming Sessions: Displays a list of your scheduled recording sessions. You can scroll to see all upcoming sessions if there are more than can be fit in the visible area.
Free Podcast Itemized Budget

Did you attend our recent workshop ‘Grants for Podcasts Made Easy’ hosted by Ti King? This is the worksheet referenced in the webinar and available for download!