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Import Stats When Moving to PodOps

3 min read

Moving your podcast to PodOps Hosting? Great news!

You can now import your existing podcast episodes from another host and keep your stats! PodOps Hosting allows you to seamlessly add your views, plays, and download counts from your previous hosting provider to your imported episodes. This way, you’ll have a complete picture of your podcast’s performance in one place.

Importing Podcast Stats: What to Expect

When you import your podcast to PodOps, you can bring over the total views, plays, and download counts for each episode from your previous host. This ensures you don’t lose track of your podcast’s performance history.

Here’s a heads-up:

  • While we allow you to add views, plays, and download totals, we can’t capture specific details like download date (if not provided by your host), listening app, or listener location
  • Since these numbers are manually entered, PodOps cannot certify them as IAB (V2) compliant. You’ll see a note about this in your PodOps Analytics footer

Overall, importing views, plays, and download counts gives you a better picture of your podcast’s historical performance within PodOps.

How to Add Stats to Imported Episodes #

After importing your podcast (it can take a few minutes if you have a TON of episodes), visit the Analytics tab within your podcast and scroll to the bottom of the page. Here, you will find the area to manually add data or upload data in bulk.

Note: This section is only visible if you have imported your podcast from another host.

How to Manually Add Stats #

  1. Click Update Stats to open the pop-up
  2. Select an episode from the list of imported podcast episodes
  3. Populate the required fields and Save!
  4. Repeat for each episode

Understand the Stats #

Before you enter data, be sure you understand what you are entering. Your former hosting service may not provide all of these data points. This is why we only require downloads and a date. The minimum amount of data to update your Analytics Graph.

  • Views: The total number of episode page (web page) visits
  • Plays: The total number of episode plays
  • Downloads: The total number of episode downloads
  • Date: The original episode publish date (If your former host allows you to migrate this data with your feed, we will populate the date for you)

How to Import Stats in Bulk #

If you prefer to import all of your podcast data at once, we have a tool for that! Click the Import Stats button to open the import pop up. In Step 1, you will find a Download Template that contains your podcast data. Download this file to enter any View, Play, and Download information you have. If your former host allowed you to migrate your episode publish date, this will also be included. If it’s not visible, enter dates as DD/MM/YYYY.

In the Excel Template, do not edit the Header Row, ID Numbers or Episode Titles. Enter any data you have, and skip what you don’t.

Once you’ve updated the Excel Template, return to the pop up in your account, and under Step 2, select the file and click Import. After a few moments, you’ll see your data.

If you need to edit or delete any uploaded or manually entered data points, you can use the Action buttons to do so. It’s that easy to bring your data to PodOps!

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Free Podcast Itemized Budget

Did you attend our recent workshop ‘Grants for Podcasts Made Easy’ hosted by Ti King? This is the worksheet referenced in the webinar and available for download!