How to Set Up a Private Podcast

It’s easy to create a private podcast that offers content available only to your subscribers. PodOps paid plans include the Subscriber feature on our podcast websites. This provides a button for listeners to submit their name and email to unlock Private content.

As a podcaster, no action is required to activate the Subscriber button.

Make Podcast Episode Private #

From the main dashboard click Podcast in the left navigation, click the Manage button on the show you are planning to edit an episode for, and from the newly refreshed navigation click Episodes.

New Episode: Click Upload a New Episode and follow the on-screen prompts to add content.

Existing Episode: Click the pencil icon to open the episode editor.

Within the episode editor, there are two options to mark content as subscriber only.

Episode Type: By selecting Bonus Content, an episode will only be available to subscribers. When using this option, it will also adjust the filters on your podcast website to flag this as a bonus episode rather than a full episode. Additionally, podcast directories that accept bonus content as a category may also list your content in a different order than your full episodes and trailers.

Private: It is recommended you check the Private checkbox to mark an episode as subscriber only. This will allow you to mark the episode type as full content.

As a reminder, either of these options will hide your podcast content on your PodOps Podcast Website until a listener subscribes.

Podcast Directories #

If you are keeping your podcast private, we recommend you not submit it to podcast directories. Directories are a distribution system to make podcast episodes widely available to listeners. Best practice is to utilize the PodOps Podcast Website or create your own website and embed your players behind a paywall or log in.

Embed Players: Hide Share and Download Buttons #

To personalize the Embed Players; Click on Podcast in the left navigation, click Manage on your podcast, and lastly click Players in the left navigation.

You’ll see a button, Customize Your Players. Click on it!

If you want to prevent listeners from sharing your podcast or downloading episodes from the episode players, you can check the Hide checkboxes to remove these buttons from all players within the Artwork & Buttons menu. This will remove the share and download buttons from all of your players on your PodOps Podcast Website and any embedded episodes.

After making any changes, click Save Player to apply the changes.