Customize PodOps Website Color

Adding your brand color to your PodOps Podcast Website will ensure it represents your show!

To navigate to where you can personalize the URL; Click on Podcast in the left navigation, click Manage on your podcast, and lastly click Website in the left navigation.

By default, you’ll be on the Preview tab for your Podcast Website. Click the Settings button to make changes.

Custom URL #

The first option you see is to Customize Website URL. We strongly encourage you update the URL to your podcast name, or something listeners will recognize when you share this link on social media.

Simply click the Pencil icon to open the URL Search field. Here you can search for an available name and click Update URL to apply the change.

Color and Background #

The second option on the page is a color picker. This will update the links, icons, and color blocks on your podcast website and episode pages to a color you select.

Click the Color Block to open the RGB selector. Enter your color code, pick a color, or use the eye dropper to select a color from an image on your screen. Once you select the color, click Save to apply the changes. Click Preview at the top of the screen to see the changes.

Color Picker